Friday, October 21, 2011

Sales Agents Encountering Complaints Against Crescent Processing Company

One complaint that people often have against Crescent Processing Company is that it does not pay its independent sales agents properly. According to some reports, the company either pays less than the expected amount or does not release payments on time. To answer this, we must look at the company’s payment agreements and processes.

The first thing to take note of is the laptop that is provided to sales agents of the company. Different applications are included and ingested on the laptop and this has become a necessity for all sales agents. For security reasons on the side of the company, sales agents are required to do a deposit of 0 for the laptop.

This deposit, however, does not need to be paid up front. Crescent Processing Company may also simply deduct for the first number of closed deals made by the sales agent. Thus, each of the first 12 payments that the agent receives is less than the actual amount.

Other agents would often disregard and forget this matter of the deal, and they would often question why their salaries are not on its exact amount. Having the laptop as an optional choice has also been stressed out by some less interested agents. However, the company chooses to provide laptops to its agents instead of letting them use their own because of security reasons; all merchant sign-ups and transactions are done through the laptops for easier tracking for the merchants’, agents’, and company’s protection.

Another complaint that people say regarding the payment procedures of Crescent Processing Company is that the checks are not released on time. The payment is usually delivered late and not on the right schedule. They are questioning why their checks do not arrive on time.

Others would think if the company would release the payments late intentionally. A lot of agents have experienced such thing, what is behind all these? Let us look into these details carefully.

A commission is always given whenever the agent is able to close a sale. The agents would then try to receive the commission automatically after the deal was done. There is never an automatic processing for the commissions earned by the agents and they usually don't know this fact.

When people sign up to be independent sales agents of the company, the payment process is explained to them. The payments will be started for its processing after an amount of time needed. If the client's account has finished it activation, then you may wait after 1 or 3 days for the processing to be completed.

The options for the deduction methods for the laptop are then misunderstood by a lot of agents even if this is also stressed out earlier. Through this, they would often results to a persistent way of asking why the checks are delayed or insufficient. Crescent Processing Company has their valid reasons and basis why the payments for commissions are delayed in such a manner.

So one could really grab the idea that all the complaints against Crescent Processing Company are all shallow and false. The failure to understand how the system works is the reason for all these. Learning about the process will prevent people from believing such complaints.

When in search of a processing company you can surely trust and will hear all your concerns, check my blog out now.